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Syllabus and subsoil exploration

Methods of Investigation, investigation report, revision on bearing capacity theories

Bearing capacity special cases - layered soil and closely spaced footings

Bearing capacity special cases - sloped grounds and mat foundations

Settlement of foundations

Settlement using elastic theory, strain influence method

Settlement using SPT N values

Settlement using pressuremeter test values

General principles of footing design - Design of pedestal

RCC design of shallow foundation

Design of sloped footing

Design of wall footing

Strip footing under several columns

Strip footing under several columns and design of combined footing

Design of trapezoidal combined footing

Design of cantilever footing

Design of flat slab raft

Design of flat slab raft (continued)

Design of beam and slab raft

Design of beam and slab raft (continued)

Design of beam and slab raft (continued)

Problems on piles capacity and settlement, Introduction to laterally loaded piles

Laterally loaded piles (continued)

Laterally loaded piles (continued) and structural design of pile

Structural design of ile (continued)

Design of pile cap

Design of pile cap (continued) and piles subjected to uplift load

Drilled shafts

Drilled shats in grannular and cohesive soil

Capacity of rock socketed drilled shat

Well founndation - Introduction

Design of well cap

Stability analysis and design of well foundation

Braced cuts

Braced cuts (continued)

Piping failure of braced cuts in sand

Fundamentals of soil dynamics

Fundamentals of soil dynamics (continued)

Analysis of block foundation

Design of reciprocating machines

Design of impact type machines

Problems on well foundation design (revision)

Stability of well (revision)

Problem on pile design (revision)